Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Amazing New Disclosure Videos!!! #Dr. Pete Peterson

This alone will take about four hours of your time, but it's well worth it. We begin with the longest section, Part I, where Bill Ryan interviews Dr. Peterson for two hours. During this time, Dr. Peterson brings up the testimony from his inside sources that a very substantial economic upheaval is imminent, well before the end of the year.

   This added weight to what I was already getting intuitively. However, I also had another one of my key dreams that same morning. In that dream, as I say in the video, a volcano erupted, debris fell everywhere, but no one around me was harmed. We took cover but we all made it.

   I'm glad I actually got to say that on the video because it is just one of perhaps as many as 50 different dreams all making the same point. I politely reminded Dr. Peterson that we keep hearing these doom and gloom economic prophecies from inside sources but then the events never happen -- and that makes for some interesting conversation.

   What I did not get to say is that the world economy displays behavior consistent with Chaos Theory, including "self-organizing complexity." When it reaches a point of peak instability, it will re-organize into a much better system rather than leading to disaster and ruin. Given the speed of 'vibrations' in the world now, as per my 2012 discussion, these positive changes will happen much faster in the current time than they would have in past history.

 -David Wilcock